Poo-Pee-Do® dog toilet



Do you also spend more than €361 a year on puppy pads?

The Poo-Pee-Do is an indoor dog toilet. A luxury for your dog. No more waiting to relieve himself. It’s odourless and you only have to clean it once a week. You have no permanent costs for absorbent granules or wipes. You can just rinse with (rain) water and clean weekly with all-purpose cleaner. The Poo-Pee-Do can be placed anywhere in the room. No water connection or drainage is required. Look how proud your dog is when he’s been a good boy!

SKU: HD1844 Category:

Art. HD1844 ‘Poo-Pee-Do’



Those who use puppy pads can easily switch to the Poo-Pee-Do. In the beginning you put the puppy pads on your dog toilet. After a while you cut them into smaller pieces and use a smaller piece each toilet session. Eventually you can leave out the puppy pad completely.
You’ll find you’re saving a lot. Just calculate how much a pad costs per visit to the toilet. If you have pads of €0.33 each and your dog uses (only) 3 per day, you spend €361 a year on puppy pads. The cost of the full garbage bag must be added as well. If you use cat litter, you can make a similar calculation.



The Poo-Pee-Do dog toilet was tested by an independent person for The Inspector, the consumer programme of Radio 2. You can read the results of this test on the website of Radio 2 (in Dutch).



The dog toilet is a piece of furniture, you give it a permanent place in your house
– length: 100cm (approx. 40inch)
– width: 60cm (approx. 24inch)
– height: 44cm (approx. 17inch)
– colour: white with a dark grey step.

The toilet has already been assembled and ready to be used.

On the technical data sheet you will find a list of dog breeds that can use the Poo-Pee-Do.



  • plastic collection tray tray with integrated odour trap
  • front step made of steel, colour: dark grey
  • plastic reservoir with a capacity of 6 litres, fitted with screw caps
  • stainless steel walking grid
  • flask of 500ml with cap
  • instruction manual with a learning method “how do you teach your dog how to use the Poo-Pee-Do?



Place the dog toilet in a place your dog has access to. You teach your dog how to use the Poo-Pee-Do dog toilet. You can find out how to do this in the manual and on this poster. You follow the steps of an ordinary house-training course.

When your dog has used the dog toilet (and when it suits you), you remove the excrements away with some toilet paper. You can dispose of it by flushing it through your own toilet. Then rinse the Poo-Pee-Do with water. Everything washes away and, thanks to the odour trap, no odour is released. When using the supplied flask, pour 0.5 litres into the Poo-Pee-Do each time. The reservoir at the bottom can hold 6 litres, so you can rinse a dozen times without emptying the reservoir.

Regularly (for example every week) you clean the Poo-Pee-Do a bit more thoroughly. Then you empty the reservoir in your own toilet. No more work is required. You only have to clean it once a week.

A detailed description can be found in the manual. Also take a look at www.poo-pee-do.co.uk. Our dog demonstrates the poo-pee-do in this film.



We provide a 3-year warranty on the Poo-Pee-Do’s parts. If during this period it is found that a part does not function normally, we will send a spare part for replacement free of charge. Deliberate damage is of course not eligible. Full details of this guarantee can be found in the general terms and conditions on this website.





This is a unique and patent-protected design by Eeje. The Poo-Pee-Do is made in Belgium.
Poo-Pee-Do is a registered trademark.